Lotterywest on-field activation

30th August 2016 | , ,

In April 2019 it was our pleasure to be a part of the unveiling of the 8th Powerball for Lotterywest, at Optus Stadium, at an Eagles home game, in front of a crowd of more than 50 00 00 people.

Working closely with DGPR and key stakeholders, Fliptease navigated and designed the execution of nine 3m in diameter helium filled balloons choreographed to move across Optus stadium in two fast paced 2 minute activations.

Each balloon was piloted by two performers for safety and aesthetic effect.

A total of 18 performers where engaged with a support staff of 5 on the ground.

The project was the first of its kind in a stadium environment and the outcome was extremely well received by fans and stakeholders.

Lotterywest is a key supporter of the Arts and Cultural community in Western Australia. It was our privilege to bring this vision to fruition.



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